Bruce DeLay shared a post  
5 yrs

5 yrs

I find the abuse of black civilians – or, though this is apparently a provocation, any civilians – by the police abhorrent. More than any other group in American life, cops, empowered by the state to use force, have special responsibility to protect life and adhere to the law. But I am no more liable for the actions of Derek Chauvin than is S.E. Cupp or Al Sharpton. I have nothing to confess. The color of my skin is not an indictment of my morality, nor does it strip me of my agency.

The kneeling craze: Sorry, I have nothing to confess - WND

The kneeling craze: Sorry, I have nothing to confess - WND

David Harsanyi laments 'cult-like displays of self-flagellation'