Mary Whittaker shared a post  
5 yrs

5 yrs

It should be obvious that until you know who the enemy is, you cannot defeat him. You can kill his foot soldiers. But, unfortunately, in this war the foot soldiers are also your own children. If they're not your own children, they're probably just like them: They've been educated (propagandized) for this war from the day they entered the public school system, on up through college and graduate school.

These kids have been taught that boys are girls, black is white, up is down, America is and always has been evil, and that communism is the solution. The Final Solution. Despite many of these kids having advanced degrees they know nothing of the world. They know nothing of pure evil, even as they are enmeshed within it.

Play by the enemy's rules and lose the war - WND

Play by the enemy's rules and lose the war - WND

Wars are not started, nor are they sustained, by protesters outraged over an injustice in their city or state. Warfare is complex and expensive. That's why war has been the domain of nation states for so much of history. It still is. Just becaus