Daily Devotional - July 4
Seeking Admiration
"...to seek one’s own glory is not glory."
Proverbs 25:27
When a person seeks recognition for himself, that very act removes the worth of it. It’s extremely difficult to resist doing. I listen to many interviews with people who have risen to prominence, and to a man they cannot cease to say, "as I said in my book..." over and over again until we're weary of hearing it. They may have gained fame and fortune because of their book or whatever work they've accomplished, but this kind of "glory" is worthless in the eyes of God. The very act of trying to bring glory to themselves makes the glory worthless.
"But all their works they do to be seen by men.
They make their phylacteries broad
and enlarge the borders of their garments.
They love the best places at feasts,
the best seats in the synagogues,
greetings in the marketplaces,
and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’"
Matthew 23:5-7
In other words, they dress richly and seek a name, they seek to be admired and honored before men and to be called "doctor so-and-so."
"...whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
God hates pride. It was what brought down the greatest of all the angels, Lucifer, now known as Satan. And it's what corrupts MOST men who have made a name for themselves.
Along Emaus Road