(SUMMIT NEWS) – A school in the United Kingdom is excluding students for a week if they turn their heads in class or walk the wrong way around the classroom in another example of coronavirus hysteria.

A reader from Merseyside contacted LockdownSkeptics.org to relate the story;

"My boys started back at school today. They're usually quite robust and no nonsense but they came home in tears. They have to face the front all day. If they turn their heads it is a mandatory week exclusion. They must use the one way system (obviously) and if they are caught not doing so they are excluded. Three people excluded today because they forgot and turned the wrong way. They only get half an hour for lunch but they have to queue up in silence for 20 mins and when they get in they are moved off under the threat of exclusion and they have to be back in their rooms by the stroke of 30 mins or guess what happens? Exclusion. So no lunch. It's the only break they get. Guess what happens if they talk in class, guess what happens if the slightest bit of uniform is wrong (even though we can only order from one supplier and they are running four weeks behind)."

COVID Hysteria: Students expelled for turning their heads in class

COVID Hysteria: Students expelled for turning their heads in class

(SUMMIT NEWS) – A school in the United Kingdom is excluding students for a week if they turn their heads in class or walk the wrong way around the classroom in another example of coronavirus hysteria. A reader from Merseyside contacted LockdownSkepti