Who was the real face behind racism? It wasn't Whites, it was Jews.

For decades Jews like Sigmund and Morris Langsdorf, publishers of postcards and novelties lampooning African-Americans in stereotypical racist scenes (often involving alligators) made their livings producing most of the material that made blacks the butt of jokes in the name of humor; but today it is White Gentiles who get the blame for it.

The Langsdorf brothers were not without a conscience however (at least where their fellow Jews were concerned), both Sigmund and Morris Langsdorf were contributors to the Hebrew Orphans Asylum of the City of New York, when they (along with their partner, Edward Rothschild) weren't busy suing Gentile-owned businesses like the New York Central & H.R. Rail Road Company because the delivery of their merchandise had been refused by the party it was consigned to.
