Gen Gosik shared a post  
4 yrs

4 yrs

Italian Supreme Court judge - so Supreme Court - says here that there is a witness willing to testify that large amounts of votes have been layered from Trump to Biden. Somehow that went through Frankfort. The man is just asking that he and his family be protected.

:arrow_forward: statement is dated January 6. More and more evidence is coming to light.

:arrow_forward: At the latest, the judges of the American Supreme Court should have the courage to at least listen to this.

:arrow_forward: Has Amy Coney Barret, who so many believed was definitely one thing not, corrupt or fearful, really folded?

:arrow_forward:After Joe Biden was elected on January 6, it has become harder to find another court to look at election fraud.

:exclamation:My money is on the military. They won't flinch, they'll do. :exclamation: