If it were not so sickening, the attack on the right is pretty lame. Just like they attacked Trump for "collusion", Just like they attacked Sara Palin for seeing Russia, Just like, just like, just like. The left is demented and is trying its very best to destroy everything we love for their power and control. America was built with LIBERTY and FREEDOM. I use upper case on those words because they are a reflection of not only my respect and love for America but Gods wish for man.

In a nutshell, we are seeing an attempt to turn America into a country none of us know or understand. A country where thought police and speech censorship will be used to destroy not only your life but your families as well. I believe the attack at the capital was planned by the left for A> disrupt the detailed testimony on the fraud happening in congress and hide it so voter fraud is no longer in the for front of discussion. B> attempt to turn not only attack and discredit each and every rational thinking person (those on the right and a few on the left) not only against Trump, but anyone who is not a leftist socialist.

This is a coup in an attempt to sway emotion and tide to the left. They want you to believe they are patriots and the events of 01/06/2021 in DC was an attack on America when in fact it was a plot to destroy America. Disinformation is the tool of the leftist. They will stab us the back and then try to convince you it was a conservative who plunged the blade into the heart of America. Most are not fooled but with the attack from every media sources, and big tech like rotten Apple, Tweeker and so on, but yet some will fall victim and will unknowingly join in what they think is a patriotic attack when they assault the real patriots.

This is their fight to control without being liable. They feel and have been seduced by the power, more power than any government and they love it, Right time, right place entrepreneurs got lucky and have been seduced by the power. Cant blame them man is weak, but they really are the epitome of evil. With power comes responsibility. They lack the intellectual and moral compass to use the power to help man kind, instead, they embrace themselves as gods and if we do not follow that lead, we must be destroyed.

Americans gravitate toward LIBERTY and this attempt by private industry to take that from us will not end well for them. And for those at faceless book censoring this and other messages, YOU ARE NOT the only social media, Your continued abuse of power, blocking, deleting, censoring has given cause for us to expand and grow beyond your bullshit tyrannical ways. We have so many other ways to communicate AND, more pop up everyday. You can not, I REPEAT, you CAN NOT KEEP US DOWN.

Your algorithms only make sense in a limited digital world and we the people are not digital and we are not limited. Did you not learn in school what we are about. The Thomas Paines are not JUST historical, WE LIVE and you WILL come to know us. Your digital assessment of freedom is your Pandora's box. Keep pulling at it and reap your rewards.