emergency preparedness meeting for Charlotte area patriots this Saturday, noon.

we will consider:
-how much socialism can we live with?
-when/how will we participate in civil disobedience?
-what will we do when our employers or schools force the Covid vaccination?
-are our current political/governmental systems redeemable?
-is secession a viable alternative?

Though the left has won (STOLEN) every branch of our national government, they will NOT STOP trying to suppress the our voices. All that is happening is part of a larger plan that has been in the works for a long time. WE MUST WAKE UP. (She shouted, with love.)

Please join us. For more details, join https://usa.life/qcamerica. I will share location with you over there.

queen city america

queen city america

please join us if you live in the Charlotte, NC region, (that includes parts of South Carolina,) and you want to live free amidst lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and marxism!