Do you want to ACTIVELY work towards saving our Constitutional Republic?

Keeping a Constitutional Republic is HARD WORK.

"We The People" have gotten lazy and distracted.

Are you ready to say "ENOUGH"?

American conservatism was killed by...DISTRACTION.

I am a data research analyst by trade. I used to follow the center. I used to follow the right. I used to follow the left. I used to follow the fringe.

I am done giving CLICKS, VIEWS, and SUBSCRIBES to this site over here and that site over there. I am done with groups who are posting the same MEMES and "sensational" news bites. No more pundits. No more talking heads. I am not watching TV. I am not listening to the radio. I am not subscribing to this podcast or that podcast. I am not buying books I am not donating to the local, state, or national parties. I am done with all those "speculative distractions".

This is what I am going to focus on:

TACTICAL CIVICS™ is my focus going forward in any and all "patriot" related things that I do. I am going to focus on doing what God wants me to do and how God wants me to live and I am going to focus at local/state level through TACTICAL CIVICS™.

I need 1% of the folks in each of our 3,141 counties to join me. That’s 1 out of every 200 people. Are YOU that “1 out of 200” Patriot? If so…Join Me.

Tactical Civics™ – It’s time to think Tactically.  Washington DC is at war against America.

Tactical Civics™ – It’s time to think Tactically. Washington DC is at war against America.