I am tired and offended at the efforts of the #liberals, #progressives, #Democrats to divide our nation. They have fostered hatred instead of love by their behavior, stirring up unrest and trying to destroy our nation's heritage, history and health. They have been hateful, bigoted and intolerant of anyone who doesn't agree with them. They have sought to censor free speech, restrict our #freedom of #religion and violate the very principles on which our nation was founded.
Many Democrats - liberals, #Republicans - #conservatives have gotten the idea that they can determine for themselves what is right or wrong. They justify their sin while they try to prosecute the "other side" for allegations (without any real evidence or proof). Along with this, they try to make laws for you, but they exempt themselves from being bound to the same laws. They think they can break the law as long as it supports their agenda. That is not loving. That is not kind. That is not how our nation (or any nation) is supposed to work. Law makers should not be allowed to be law-breakers.
All people, especially those who are supposed to govern, need to realize that #God is the supreme authority on what is right and wrong. #Jesus #Christ is a living example of how God wants us to live on this earth. We would do well to study and follow His example.
Jesus teaches us to love one another. That means even loving people you don't agree with. (That does not mean exempting them from punishment or the consequences of unlawful behavior.) The "Great Commandments" are to "love God and love people (paraphrased).
1. #Pray for all governing officials. Pray that they will recognize the superior authority of God and govern according to God's moral absolutes. Pray that they will obey the laws they expect us to obey and set an example of lawful living instead of lawlessness.
2. Advise your governing officials of God's moral absolutes regarding legislation they are promoting. Does that legislation harmonize with Scripture or conflict with God's Word?
3. Inform those around you about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as our #LORD, #Savior and role model.
4. Guard against being hateful towards any person. We are to hate sin, but love the sinner and seek to help them see that they need to live by God's standards instead of trying to justify their sin.
Learn how you can live like Jesus' example - Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series - Building a more Passionate, Personal and Powerful relationship with our LORD, Savior and role model so we will become more like Him. www.wwj.bible
God Bless America in Jesus' Name!