4 yrs

Officials at a prestigious public magnet school in Illinois have abruptly reversed course after being told a state law forbids them from demanding a student go through a "gender and sexuality" course to graduate if it violates the student's faith.

Officials in the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in Aurora, Illinois, now are offering an alternative course for Marcail McBride, the daughter of Phillip and Christine McBride.

The announcement came from First Liberty Institute, which had written to school officials about the legality of the requirement after the officials refused to respond to concerns from parents.

School abruptly reverses requirement for sex-ed course

School abruptly reverses requirement for sex-ed course

Officials at a prestigious public magnet school in Illinois have abruptly reversed course after being told a state law forbids them from demanding a student go through a "gender and sexuality" course to graduate if it violates the student&#