Victory In Christ Today
Don't Be Fooled
1 Peter 5:8
In these difficult times, we can't afford to let ourselves be consumed by fear and anxiety by focusing on the foolishness of the ungodly in our government. It is easy to become self-centered if we only regard how we may be affected.
Fear not! God has a plan for good. He wants us to get our mind off ourselves and onto Him because He is our refuge and fortress (Ps. 91). When we rely on our own limited perspective, confusion and hopelessness will be the outcome. When we rely on the character and nature of God as revealed in His word; faith, hope, and assurance become our strength. His truth is our anchor in troubled times.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for a lost world. We have the opportunity of a lifetime right now to give hope to others through this salvation message which will turn the direction of our nation toward the saving grace of our Lord.
Be the change you want to see in this nation!
John 16:33