Do you not have enough money or are you just horrible decisions maker on what to do with your money?? Fair and harsh question to ask those who are perpetually in financial distress.

NBA players have recently joined the call for reparations in New York Times article. I find it interesting how reparations come up as the sole solution for the state of the family in minority communities. The discussion should revolve around Family values and life skills among many other social issues that WE ALL must make decisions on every day.
Out of my mouth has come the statement. “each day I get to choose whether I am a jerk or decent person. Each day it is 50/50 selection.”

NBA players make billions. . yes with a B. Within 5 years after retirement 61% of the NBA players are BROKE> By ten years that number soars to over 80%. Not my data but from several sources. Look them up. Not my job to do your research.
The same reality for many who suddenly millions or even thousands. They just do not know how to manage money and do not seek guidance.
For those who do not make millions. . well the reality still exists. . We have a real deficit in financial literacy. The do what you want if it feels good secular world has less wisdom as they claim their education goes up.