Actually listened to a talking head state that she is a member of the Black Twitter. . apparently there is now segregation in the Internet all while big tech is calling simply being white a crime.
Professor in article thoroughly supported in the NY Times stated that man is an animal and no better than a squirrel!! "squirrels might be better because they can jump from tree to tree. This is a religious philosophy that is designed to make the Bible out to be hate speech. . The Bible is clear on lots of topics. Marriage is a requirement, Man is in a special category and over animals. . not an animal but is prone to act like one, it seems. . look at the rioters. . Look like animals HMMM?
New Home land security dude statement about our borders being attacked!!! " You can come. . but not now. . wait a bit" Which part of security did those who voted for Biden not care about??
Local school . . oh what the heck. . Pine Richland. . Removed the picture of the State Championship football team from the year book. . .Apparently NO pictures allowed that do not have masked faces!!
Data is showing a rather important fact. Birth rates are dropping at an increasing rate. This is not only a US fact but true in nearly 80% of the countries in the world. This fact flies in the face of liberal Earth death spiral models because the last one deemed gospel showed population growth as a constant.
Also of note the Covid baby boom, that even I had suspected, seems to be non existent. Clarifying data on millennials is still being sifted. Early theories are the overwhelming feeling of futility, misery and anarchy that is depressing this generation and their younger counter parts. Seems they are being scared into not having children. Fear again is controlling factor of liberal and media propaganda. Other concerns include debt . .. however I have another data pull for this one. . the lifestyle demand of this generation means they have great debt and great cash flow problems. Their lifestyle decisions (aka self aggrandizing) are making life changing moves to family.
Thought you might enjoy a few of the research topics that my mind is weighed down. All data is necessary in understanding the financial moves and allocations. . Bet Robinhood and on line day traders are busy studying this data too. . . .maybe not.
Why Fish on Friday’s?
A super fast research (hopefully from accurate sources which include professors from Baylor and several history books.. most of which we hope are accurate) Who knows in this political era!!
Not something that I ever really paid attention to even while being raised as a youth in the Catholic faith. Now we have the hunt for the best fish sandwich. Maybe another faith based act of contemplation and respect has been taken over by profit based minds. . I asked so here is the reply.
Myth. . . Some Pope decided fish on Friday to help commerce in the industry. HMM seems even myths have some foot hold in reality.
Technically, warm blooded animals are off limits as a sense of sacrifice especially during Lent. Fish being cold blooded are considered fair game. This is in response to the act of fasting during Lent. Fasting was too much of a sacrifice at some point and Fish with fries became the answer to an uncomfortable day..
While the Pope story is not exactly true, an official leader of the church did make fish on Friday the law for purely practical reasons. This was during Henry the VIII reign.
When Henry ascended to the throne in 1509, fish dominated the menu. After he became interested in a different gal of influence, English fish took a down turn in popularity.
Henry already had a wife, Catherine of Aragon, and the Pope refused to annul the marriage. So Henry declared himself the leader of the Catholic Church of England and divorced Catherine so he could marry Ann Boleyn.
At that point eating fish became political. Gee sounds like the same thing in our modern era. An item that has no root in politics begins to take on a monstrous debate.
Fisherman were not doing so well near this time and Henry’s young son (not sure who the mother was for the lad) . . took over in 1547 . fast days were reinstated and put into law. Stated reason was to “spare flesh, and use fish for the benefit of the trade.”
Fishing remains a major industry to this day and has other interesting business growth reasons through out history.
One article brought up a neat point. . . Before the Vatican relaxed rules on fishy Friday, Lou Groen, and enterprising McDonald’s franchise owner in largely Catholic part of Cincinnati, found himself struggling to sell burgers on Friday’s. His solution? The Filet -O-Fish.
While actual Biblical application remains to be debated and largely absent in fact while full of opinion. . .seems Fish commerce on Friday is here to stay. .. Now to find a way to get my heart doctor interested in permitting me to join in on the festivities.
Do you not have enough money or are you just horrible decisions maker on what to do with your money?? Fair and harsh question to ask those who are perpetually in financial distress.
NBA players have recently joined the call for reparations in New York Times article. I find it interesting how reparations come up as the sole solution for the state of the family in minority communities. The discussion should revolve around Family values and life skills among many other social issues that WE ALL must make decisions on every day.
Out of my mouth has come the statement. “each day I get to choose whether I am a jerk or decent person. Each day it is 50/50 selection.”
NBA players make billions. . yes with a B. Within 5 years after retirement 61% of the NBA players are BROKE> By ten years that number soars to over 80%. Not my data but from several sources. Look them up. Not my job to do your research.
The same reality for many who suddenly millions or even thousands. They just do not know how to manage money and do not seek guidance.
For those who do not make millions. . well the reality still exists. . We have a real deficit in financial literacy. The do what you want if it feels good secular world has less wisdom as they claim their education goes up.
Voted in a new movement across the land.
One calling for us to all join hand.
All the while they make up lists
Destroying lives in their mist.
If you disagree you must be pummeled
Opposite thinking can get you in trouble.
Taking your ability to protect and serve
Leads to total control of this mother bird.
Worship Earth is the new decree.
Where on Earth can we now flee?
They educated our youth to be tolerant and enjoy
Now they preach what ever you want will give you joy.
What proof of we that this tide can be turned?
Now to God, His Word soon must be burned.
This is the way of a Dictatorship.
Our Constitution just took a fatal hit.