Actually listened to a talking head state that she is a member of the Black Twitter. . apparently there is now segregation in the Internet all while big tech is calling simply being white a crime.
Professor in article thoroughly supported in the NY Times stated that man is an animal and no better than a squirrel!! "squirrels might be better because they can jump from tree to tree. This is a religious philosophy that is designed to make the Bible out to be hate speech. . The Bible is clear on lots of topics. Marriage is a requirement, Man is in a special category and over animals. . not an animal but is prone to act like one, it seems. . look at the rioters. . Look like animals HMMM?
New Home land security dude statement about our borders being attacked!!! " You can come. . but not now. . wait a bit" Which part of security did those who voted for Biden not care about??
Local school . . oh what the heck. . Pine Richland. . Removed the picture of the State Championship football team from the year book. . .Apparently NO pictures allowed that do not have masked faces!!
Data is showing a rather important fact. Birth rates are dropping at an increasing rate. This is not only a US fact but true in nearly 80% of the countries in the world. This fact flies in the face of liberal Earth death spiral models because the last one deemed gospel showed population growth as a constant.
Also of note the Covid baby boom, that even I had suspected, seems to be non existent. Clarifying data on millennials is still being sifted. Early theories are the overwhelming feeling of futility, misery and anarchy that is depressing this generation and their younger counter parts. Seems they are being scared into not having children. Fear again is controlling factor of liberal and media propaganda. Other concerns include debt . .. however I have another data pull for this one. . the lifestyle demand of this generation means they have great debt and great cash flow problems. Their lifestyle decisions (aka self aggrandizing) are making life changing moves to family.
Thought you might enjoy a few of the research topics that my mind is weighed down. All data is necessary in understanding the financial moves and allocations. . Bet Robinhood and on line day traders are busy studying this data too. . . .maybe not.