Dear Father, we come to you this morning as your child. We confess that in our own strength and abilities there is nothing we can do. There are situations in life that need to change and we are powerless to fix them so we come to You, the only wise, all powerful God who is also our Father. Lord, whatever we are facing today You are our sufficiency. For that one that is facing an impossible situation give them grace today. There are those who are facing a Goliath of fear. Give the boldness and confidence in You to confront that giant knowing that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind. Lord, there is nothing too difficult for you. Lord, there are those who have resigned themselves to a life of misery and have lost hope. Give them hope today. Father for You are the God of hope, the God of all comfort. Arise, O Lord, and scatter our enemies. We pray that even this day will be a day of encouragement and breakthrough. Lord, You are good. You are compassionate. Your mercies are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. We will praise You this day for what You will do. Where else can we go but unto You? We pray this prayer believing for ourselves and our friends knowing You hear our petitions and You are attentive to the cry of Your children. We pray believing in the name above all names, Jesus the Christ, amen.