The Fallen rebellious Angels 200 of them in a pact landed on Mt Herman. They mated with women all they choose. And the females gave birth to hybrid humans who grew to be Giants in those days... AND AFTER NOAHS. The Great Flood. Giant mounds and skeletons are found all over the world and in the Americas.
Noah sons took wives before the flood
and may of carried the genetic markets for giganticism and for skin color. White brown red from NOAHS, his sons children were they.
Drawings skeletons Indian Tribes tell of Giants. Longetted Head skulls 6 fingers and toes red hair and other strange traits.
Many animals were perverted by intercourse by these fallen Alien Rebel Messenger Angels, and became giant mammals and sea creatures.
Now the Alien hybrids of Fallen Angels and Man are again on the earth and throughout the planets. Its being revealed Alien bases on the Moon and Mars. Jupiter with its strange Hexagon cloud rotation on its north end of the planet. Crop circles are becoming signs and symbols of the alien technologies. Showing off. Brainwashing acceptance of Alien breeds of beings from the Stars.