Doug Feltz partagé un poster  
4 ans

4 ans

(FREE STATE DAILY) – For over a year, the face of the “pandemic” has been one Anthony Fauci, M.D., the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Mainstream media outlets have treated the man as little less than a god and saint all rolled into one despite contradictory messaging that “evolved” from one extreme to another. Physicians and scientists not involved with the government, but in practice and from the lab could be found on social media sources denouncing the little demagogue, but few would pay any heed to those whose careers had been sabotaged by the man.

Suddenly, now that Senator Rand Paul – also an M.D. – got the little gnome to lie under oath to Congress (a felony), the bloom is most assuredly off of the Fauci rose. All sorts of things are surfacing about him.

Fauci caught funding grotesque experiments with aborted babies

Fauci caught funding grotesque experiments with aborted babies

(FREE STATE DAILY) – For over a year, the face of the “pandemic” has been one Anthony Fauci, M.D., the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Mainstream media outlets have treated the man as little less than a god