Disband the FBI
There was a time I bought into the adage that the rank-n-file FBI were good cops and that the majority of the FBI leadership was corrupt. If that was ever true over the 12 to 15 years those so-called good cop rank-n-file FBI would have become massive whistleblowers of their corrupt leadership. THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!
It is my opinion if there are good cop FBI Agents among the FBI rank-n-file they are a minority encased in the fear of what would happen to their careers than abiding by the U.S. Constitution-based rule of law or for that matter serving and protecting the well-being of We The People.
With those opening thoughts I discovered a Gatestone Institute article that will likely place that online publication onto the Biden’s ranks of domestic terrorist watchlist for standing for truth. The courageous title: “Disband the FBI”.
On a serious note: As long as Globalist-Marxism infects all levels of U.S. Branches of government under the un-elected thumb of Bureaucracy that appears more like a Fourth Estate Deep State, not only a corrupt FBI will remain, but Federal Bureaucratic Agencies will be infected with corruption. If you are an American Patriot I suspect you comprehend the remedy for a so-far untouchable corruption.
The SlantRight 2.0 cross post: https://bit.ly/3zLJgSt