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Hedge of Fire Devotional ajoutés nouvelles photos à Hedge of Fire
4 ans

24th-day 5th Month, 5781 / August 4, 2021
Let there be no misunderstanding. Just as a spring can’t send forth both fresh water and bitter, so it is with the heart of the true believer. Spoken words divulge the true nature of the heart, thereby revealing the character of the soul. How can one walk in integrity and celebrate the Kingdom of Heaven, then turn and curse another who bears My image? Beloved, this ought not to be so! You’ve heard it said, “figs are not gathered from a thorn bush, nor grapes from a briar patch.” Now I tell you plainly, a good man, from his virtuous heart, brings forth decency, morality, and what is honorable; while the wicked man, from his flesh, produces only perversion, depravity, and all manner of carnality, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of his iniquitous heart. Therefore, My child, speak at all times with the wisdom from above. Allow My grace to make the same mouth that once sent forth “bitter” words in the past to now produce “sweet” words in the days to come, for in doing so, you will reap a harvest of righteousness.

~ Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing! Brothers, it isn’t right for things to be this way. A spring doesn’t send both fresh and bitter water from the same opening, does it? James 3:10-11

