On Friday I picked up my brother who has lived in Germany since 1975. He is home ONLY because of his 50th class reunion. As is often the case, siblings are total opposites and WE ARE. The only thing we have in common is our last name. Needless to say in the short time we have been together, he has not changed a bit...liberal as heck. America is bad, covid is real, and the shot is our only hope, and lockdowns, mask are necessary. While I TOTALLY disagree, I say very little and let him spout off as there is nothing I could say to change is mind...he has totally bought in to the BS from the left. What is really discouraging is his disdain for this Country even though his life now would not be anything without America. He worked in Germany...a country he LOVES for 45 years but all he has to show for it is a pension that covers his rent and medical insurance. He has traveled the world, seemingly twice and has help a family in Jerusalem generously and all of that because of America, not Germany. I hope one day he will acknowledge what America gave him, but not holding my breath.