3rd day, 6th Month / August 11, 2021
One of the hardest things you will encounter in this broken world is the sting of betrayal, for it is a heinous breach of trust. Coming from one within your closest circle, it is a violation of the most intimate recesses of the heart, and the resulting trauma runs deep. In such cases, bring your heartache and grief at once, and lay it down at My feet. Do not allow the adversary his anticipated enjoyment at your expense. Deny him the pleasure he takes in your pain. My child, consider My righteous servant, Joseph, who was blessed despite the betrayal he suffered. Though hated, abandoned, and sold into slavery by his envious brothers—though unjustly accused and thrown into prison to be forgotten and left to languish there for years, he did not allow the misfortune of betrayal to subdue him. Through it all, he held unto Me in faith, for he knew I was with him. I lavished my grace and favor upon him and prospered everything he did as he walked out his Kingdom purpose. Beloved, let him be an example for you when treachery comes to call.
~ The eyes of Adonai watch over the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. Adonai is near those with broken hearts; He saves those whose spirit is crushed. The righteous person suffers many evils, but Adonai rescues him out of them all. Psalm 34:16,18-19