Sayer Hanon geteilt a beitrag  
4 Jahre

Hedge of Fire Devotional hat neue Fotos hinzugefügt Hedge of Fire
4 Jahre

9th day, 6th Month / August 17, 2021
In the battle for the mind, the adversary routinely attacks by bringing up past sins and bad choices in an effort to produce self-pity and hinder meaningful relationships with others. His lies breed condemnation that births mistrust, thereby stunting spiritual maturity and impeding Kingdom purpose. Many allow these attacks to continue by refusing to accept and utilize the authority that has been placed in them through My completed work on the execution stake. To these, I now say: understand clearly, I AM unable to mold you into a new creation if you continually relive past tragedies and revisit old wounds. Beloved, to be fully alive in Me, is to be fully dead to your past life; to be united with Me, the old life must absolutely pass away. Be not deceived; your past sins and misdeeds have been fully covered by the blood of redemption. Therefore, do not allow the enemy to trample over you with his lies and accusations. Refuse to consider the old life; leave the sins of the flesh there, once and for all, and set your mind on the future I have for you!

~ but one thing I do: forgetting what is behind me and straining forward toward what lies ahead, I keep pursuing the goal in order to win the prize offered by God’s upward calling in the Messiah Yeshua. Philippians 3:13b-14

