We are seeing the rise of the Fourth Riech Biden/Harris are the Trojan Horse puppets being used by others from behind the scenes one is probably Veorge Sorostge Communist Financier but I also believe Micheal Bloomberg and Bill Gates are involved. we see the reality of the destruction of the
American Economy. The Inordinate fear of a Virus that around the world killed .06 % about 600 ths of a percent 600,000of the 333,000,000 population. Yes it is sad that any should die, but it is appointed into man to die and then the judgement but when we fear death inordinately we give it power that it does not have. Fear in this way is used by the Socialist/Communist Totalitarian regime's, and the Theocratic Islamic Regimes to control and we see this happening here because Society has turned to worship of Status, of Human knowledge, of the Created things over that of the One True and Living GOD! Satan is a
deciever and his tools are fear, andtemptationboth of which are in play today in America.