Until we actually arrest the Democrat/DemoCOMMUNIST Traitors and bring them to Trail for their crimes America will not be safe for the rest of its Citizen's. Biden/Harris have turned back the Clock to the eve of 9/10/ 2001 with their botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, their refusal to hold China accountable for its release of a Virus biological weapon, fir not continuing the good border security that Trump had built, for not investigating the Human Trafficking situation, for not holding to American fuel independence from foreign Nayions and Companies, by using Fearmongering on a Viral Weapon that has targeted a .06% of the Population, by not cracking down on the false Meta-Narratives being foisted by the Propaganda Ministry ( the Mainstream Media ) by: 1. not stopping the False Meta-Narratives of Systemic Racism, 2. by not protecting female sports from the False Transgender Meta-Narrative! 3. continuing to support Critical Race false Theory, 4. for not holding Criminal's accountable for their crimes, 5. for promoting Political Officers that are willing and able to commit High Treason against the President namely President Donald Trump, 6. for not holding the Democrat/DemoCOMMUNIST accountable for election fraud, 7. and theft of the Election by multiple Election Boards in multiple States & the Postal Service,8. and for following False Meta-Narratives agendas against American Sovereignty, 9. and not Vetting the Afghanistan Refugees nor stopping them from leaving the Military Bases where they were detained, 10. for not keeping America Energy Independence, 11. by attacking the U. S. Constitution' First, Second, fourth, and Fifth Amendment's, 12. for attacking our own economy while giving foreign nations massive amounts of aid that they did not and or do not deserve, 13. by continuing a False Meta-Narrative attack on our Police, And Military, 14. by not clamping down on the C. D. C's False and Misleading Statements & Misinformaton on the Covid-19 Coronavirus Statistics. These are only the tip of the Iceberg of the fraud of the Democrat/DemoCOMMUNIST Party of Amerika!