Day 261: Read: Hebrews 13; 2 Chronicles 31-32; Psalm 79
From: Sunday, Dec 27th, 2020 @ Mustang Mountain Cowboy
Church; Pastor Larry Whitney; Sermon: "Never Leaves"
(These are my notes taken during the sermon. I always write a half sheet of notes. I hope it's not too long for you to read, and I hope you can make sense of it).
This is the last chapter in Hebrews. Paul gives some encouraging words for each other, bringing glory to God. We need to encourage our fellow Christians too. Keep loving each other (v 1). Entertain strangers, for they might be angels (v 2). (Entertain = show hospitality). Remember people in prison because it's lonely in there. (v 3). Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed be kept pure (v 4). Do not commit adultery. Marriage is sacred. Don't rely on money. Rely on God! (v 5-6). Do Not be afraid! Be content with what you have. The LORD is my helper! God provides. Remember those who are serving rightly and follow their lead (v 7). Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (v 8 ). He keeps His word and He never falters. Stay away from strange teachings (v 9). Make sure books line up with the word of God. Don't be part of the world. We have a heavenly home (v 14). Sacrifice what you do, and make it an offering to Jesus Christ (v 15). Honor Jesus at work. Don't forget to do good and to share with others (v 16). Obey church leaders who stick to the Word. Pray for our pastor and the deacons (v 17). Pray! (v 18-19). Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with you all. Give everyone grace - extra grace. Stay in God's Word. Non-believers do not have the confidence that a believer in Christ has. We have direct access to God in the name of Jesus. Fix your eyes on Jesus! (v 20-25).
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for teaching us how to live. It's all in the bible. That's why it is called "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." And if I have to read it over and over again until it sinks in, I will continue to do so. Please help it sink into my mind and my heart so that I remember what it says so I can live by it daily. Thank You, In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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