Most of us don't think of the beaches of Delaware. Most of us don't think of Delaware, period. But it's entire Eastern border is coastline. The best known is Rehoboth Beach. From Wikipedia: "Rehoboth Beach is one of the principal cities of Delaware's rapidly growing Cape Region.". In the same article they note that the population declined by 11.2 percent between 2000 and 2010. Only in the Clown World of Wikipedia can a place be losing population and simultaneously "rapidly growing." The population decline is probably attributable to the fact that the bidens obtained a summer home there. I mean who wants a famous child molester and his diaper-changing former babysitter for neighbors? I wouldn't. But they flew in aboard Marine One to escape the faux furor of his (deliberate) Afghanistan debacle a couple of weeks ago. As befits the Most Popular Leader in the History of the Known Multiverse, Joey and Jilly were greeted by throngs of adoring fans. While BadOrangeMan holds his pathetic "rallies" that draw a sprinkling of White Supremacists in KKK robes. That's the Clown World version