Information released by a Pfizer employee indicates that top executives at the giant drug-maker have been trying to soft-pedal the connection between its corona vaccine and tissue that is derived for aborted babies, according to documents released by the watchdog group Project Veritas. Melissa Strickler, who described herself in a Project Veritas video as an employee at the company's plant in McPherson, Kansas, came forward with the information. In the documentation published by Project Veritas, Philip Dormitzer, Pfizer’s chief scientific officer, wrote that aborted fetal tissue was used in connection with vaccine development.

Pfizer whistleblower steps forward with emails describing use of aborted fetal cells for vaccine

Pfizer whistleblower steps forward with emails describing use of aborted fetal cells for vaccine

'I have faith that I'll be protected, or whatever the outcome is is what it's supposed to be,' she told Project Veritas.