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3 yrs

3 yrs

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, a biostatistician and epidemiologist, said last week in an interview with the Epoch Times: "I don't think children should be vaccinated for COVID." In fact, he said they shouldn't even be wearing masks. Before I tell you more about what he said, let me tell you some related shocking news that might not be easy for some of you to stomach, so proceed with caution. A "sacred cow" in American culture is an idea, custom, institution or even person held, often unreasonably, to be above criticism. In my opinion, no one or nothing should be beyond criticism or unable to be put to the test, even repeatedly. But it happens, all the time, and so silence, debate and even rage often polarize around "sacred cows."

Harvard epidemiologist: Children should NOT be vaccinated or wear masks

Harvard epidemiologist: Children should NOT be vaccinated or wear masks

Chuck Norris counters 'sacred cow' Dr. Fauci's claims with those of Dr. Martin Kulldorff