Ever since Charles Darwin wrote his fictitious speculations about the origin of life and specifically humans in the mid 19th century, a brand new superstition has taken root in the world. Like those who have used Darwin’s work to exploit people’s desire for other people’s labor and wealth, this superstition uses the monster under the bed type of imagination to create fear. Fear is a powerful tool for exploitation by those seeking power over and wealth from the “masses.” Besides using fear, the “masses” are also easily manipulated by using their own greed, envy, and jealousy against them. Even though this has been a tried and true tool used by con-artist for centuries, the so-called Socialists and Marxists continue to use the same ploy to get people to surrender their natural rights, liberty, and their money to them. Marx's tenet in The Communist Manifesto was that "Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religions, and all morality." In their founding document is a proclamation to abolish “all morality.” Telling the truth is a moral concept, something they are “abolishing,” so why not use the conman’s ploy to use people's covetousness, greed, and envy to deceive and manipulate them into giving up their life's work, children, and money to the state. An honest and objective look at 20th-century history teaches through observation that once they gain power, the killing starts, using fear to enslave the remainder of the “masses” to the state. One profound yet seemingly forgotten example is the 70 enslavement of the United Soviet Socialist Republic. However, 21st-century people are not looking at 20th-century history objectively and are falling for this con again for some incredible reason. But what about the “monster under the bed” superstition?
Here's what our Lord has to say about it;
"And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it." Isaiah 8:12
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7 (Note: "sound mind." - is that a reference to critical thinking?)
Socialism is built on the sin of covetousness. Look up the ten commandments and see what it says about covetousness yourself. The whole idea of "redistribution of wealth" is a national embrace of covetousness.
Sherwood Steele, author of
"Lured Down the Garden Path" (on Amazon)