There's a matter we need to address. First, let me tell you how much I hate Trump. I hate Trump so much I voted for him TWICE. Just wanted to get my motive(s) straight. This photo represents a very real problem and we all know what that problem is. We need to give this some thought and then, maybe some discussion. There is a VERY unpleasant truth here and it involves the wrongful deaths of many including those who are / were too young to manage their own affairs. Those who trusted you and I to make good decisions. This can't be swept under the rug. That's our standard SOP and it NEVER works. My boys and I have known some hard times and avoiding reality wasn't in our survival repertoire. One shouldn't need to make excuses for someone with an ego the size of Trumps. He gladly took credit for the good he did... and somehow he wants credit for this as well. We need to give this a LOT of thought.

Kill the messenger if you like. I no longer really care.
