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Increasingly, those who originally came out in favor of the vaccines are starting to change their tune as they lose loved ones under mysterious circumstances. This was recently the case for UK journalist Ramsha Afridi, whose work has been published in the Telegraph and the Daily Express. On May 6, she posted: “I’m vaccinated, but far too many people I know are complaining about side effects from the vaccine. Also, just an hour ago, my perfectly healthy, 30 year old friend collapsed and died of a heart attack.”

IN GOD WE TRUST FOR JUSTICE. The science shows Democrats and RINOs harmed and killed millions of people with Covid shots and mandates, lockdowns and masks. #americafirst

Mainstream Attitudes Toward Covid-19 Jabs Are Slowly Changing in Wake of Vaccine Injuries

Mainstream Attitudes Toward Covid-19 Jabs Are Slowly Changing in Wake of Vaccine Injuries

“Honestly, everyone knows I’ve been pro vaccine and even encouraged people to get vaxxed but at this point, I will stop,” Afridi said... "my perfectly healthy, 30 year old friend collapsed and died of a heart attack." She went on to mention a friend who got tinnitus so bad after the jab that she had to quit her job, while others have reported inconsistent periods and another person she knows had chest pains so bad that she needed to call an ambulance.