Following a tidal wave of disgust, outrage and loathing at corrupt politicians, Maxine Waters took to post to slam the earlier CNBC report that she wouldn’t subpoena SBF as a “lie” even though just one sentence lower in her post she confirms that she has, in fact, not done anything yet and that a “subpoena is definitely on the table.”

Furthermore, she notes that SBF has “been requested to testify” even though as everyone knows by now, he turned down said “request” and unless he is compelled (i.e., issued a subpoena) he won’t go. But it’s cool: “A subpoena is definitely on the table.” The question is whether the check to Maxine clear and it stays there or someone actually signs it and delivers it to the prominent Democratic donor. The responses suggest that America’s corrupt politicians no longer fool anyone.

Senate Committee To Subpoena SBF If He Does Not Testify Voluntarily

Senate Committee To Subpoena SBF If He Does Not Testify Voluntarily

The responses suggest that America’s corrupt politicians no longer fool anyone.