Encouragement for the Overlooked
Darcie Fuqua
We were born to live in a community, riding the ups and downs together. No one likes to be overlooked; even the most introverted person residing off the grid, one sitting in sweats and reading a book, needs human connection. When others fail to notice us, it can emotionally deplete us. It can cause us to withdraw and retreat, especially when we feel the offense is intentional.
When I mentioned that I was writing this article to my husband, he looked at me wide-eyed and asked if I felt overlooked. "Do you feel overlooked by me?" he asked. My response, combined with a typical southern woman's mean mug, was, "No. It is not always about you." We've been married seventeen years, y'all. What can I say? I went on to explain that several times in my life, I've felt unseen, overlooked, or passed over in different relational areas. Some instances have seemed intentional, while others are just part of life.
The beautiful thing about life's trials is that they drive compassion deep into your blood. And although you can never step in the shoes of someone else's challenging experiences, your heart can bleed with them. You can embrace them warmly, sit with them, and listen. It gives you a different perspective, a more down-on-your-knees, humble level.
Whether you have been overlooked in friendships, relationships, sports, careers, or especially by the church, rest in the fact that you are never ignored by Jesus. Friend, I know we aren't sitting on the same couch, but consider this my giant teddy bear hug for you. I may not be able to see you, but I know the One who does, and I pray these bits of encouragement give you restored hope.
God Sees You When No One Else Does
Among the many names of God that describe His perfect character, I find El Roi to be one of the most comforting. It means "The God who sees me" (Genesis 16:13). While you may feel invisible, know that God sees you. Hagar was the woman in the Bible who attributed this name to God, and she is the only character in the Bible to name God. She was pregnant and alone in the wilderness, running from Sarah's cruelty and jealousy when the angel of the Lord visited her (Genesis 16). Friend, there is no place on earth you can ever run from God's compassionate presence.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Hagar was so worried and anxious about her life. She was a mistreated slave and all she knew to do was to run. It didn’t help her to run but it gave her a watershed moment with you. You showed her that you saw her struggle and that she could trust you to bless her without removing the struggle for her. Teach me that lesson too. It’s easy for me to get so caught up in my struggles that I forget that you’re the God who sees me. I think I must tell you what’s going on, so you’ll remember to help me. You already know everything about my life and its challenges. You are the God who sees me, and you are working everything out for my good and the blessing of others too. Since I know you see me, I will run free on this day like a boy who knows his father is at the park with him.