Have A Good Day, "Love Your Enemies"

Luke 6:27 NKJV

27. But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.

Well July is now here and June is gone for now at least until next year. And I am glad that is now gone. I was getting tired of reading hate from both side of the aisle on gay's rights. It made it hard to find anything good that was going on.

A professor had a bad day because he was fired for teaching Basic Biology people were saying it was to religious. Now I took basic biology in high school and I didn't see any religious about what I was taught. So I do not understand what people were saying that it was to religious. Now the professor has been teaching the same thing for around 20 years and has not problems in his teaching.

Before June ended the Supreme Court acted on 4 cases that have people upset. First one dealt with it striking down race-based affirmative action. That Harvard and the University of North Carolina cannot use race-based policies in it's admission policies. So now everything is fair and equal on who can attend the universities. In reality the public school system need to do it's job and teach students what they need to make it in the world from K to 12th grade. And teaching CRT and gender issues is not what it will take to do good on the ACT tests that will determine what university or college they want to attend. The schools need to do a better job in teaching math, reading, etc.

The second one dealt with a postal worker who didn't want to work on the Sabbath because of his religious believes. And the Supreme Court ruled in his favor. Now I can remember there was a time that not many business would open up on Sunday.

Now the third case dealt with the Christian Web Designer who refused to serve a same-sex couple wedding. Now I kind of believed that the Court would rule in her favor, because the ruled in cake baker case in allowing him to be able to refuse service based on his religious beliefs. Which the Court did rule in her favor. Of course the gay supports had to take a mole and make it into a mountain. Now the cake baker and the web designer ran small business so they can choose what business they will do. What I do not understand is that there are other cake bakers and web designer that would take their business so why go to the work and take on a additional cost in getting what they want. To me it isn't worth the cost and effort it takes to do what they did.

The fourth case dealt with Biden's $400 Billion loan forgiveness, which they said was not constitutional and he could not do it. And of course that is making a big deal among people. The reality is that the President has no power over money issues. That belongs to Congress. It's called Separations of Power in the Constitution.

So in the things above a lot of people have had some bad days. Now they could have had some good days if they followed that way that the Lord has put into place and those incidents would not have happened.

Oh, Well, That's Life!

Have A Good Day,
John Thomas