Sharing Exposing Govt/Medical Tyranny Via Dr. Robert Malone, Et Al

SUMMARY: Dr. Robert Malone has become controversial to Globalists who have come to hate him and by many who fight Medical Tyranny also display animus toward Dr. Malone. … I DO KNOW the information put out by Dr. Malone at the very least places dents in the agendas to control the majority with the unelected power of the (largely wealthy Leftist) Globalist minority. READ&WATCH-GOVT/MEDICAL TYRANNY:
#govtcensorship #5thgenerationwarfare #medicaltyranny

SlantRight 2.0: Sharing Exposing Govt/Medical Tyranny Via Dr. Robert Malone, Et Al

SlantRight 2.0: Sharing Exposing Govt/Medical Tyranny Via Dr. Robert Malone, Et Al

John R. Houk, Blog Editor © November 10, 2023   Dr. Robert Malone has become controversial to Globalists who have come to hate him and...