#understandingthefearofthelord #psalm9verse10
Since I began to read God's Holy written Word regularly, I've come to learn about how to choose God i-n Christ Jesus by faith...
--as the (Romans 6) servant did, choosing Jesus to trust & obey;
--by (Romans 8) dwelling in The Holy Spirit & God's strength & will;
--with (Romans 10-12) zeal and a humble spirit & mind (hard-learned);
--for (Romans 13-14) understanding of what real joy and liberty is;
and most of all
--to pay it forward to our children and grandchildren, pointing them back to their Father in Heaven, to Jesus Christ Who paid the price for their Salvation to eternal Life, and to The wonder-full Holy Spirit Who is Jesus in the earth today-- the ONE Who bonds us to our Lord and to our Father. (LISTEN NOW) https://directory.libsyn.com/e....pisode/index/id/2031 ...CHAPTER 11 of our 1st-ever published audio book LETTERS FROM THE FRONT
