A Look at Medical Tyranny & Antisemitism Tyranny

SUMMARY: Share #one is Medical Tyranny as experienced by Dr. Simon Goddek. Dr. Goddek’s experience with Medical Tyranny led … to living in Brazilian jungle. Share #two is the tyranny of Antisemitism. The insights of Pam Kohler on circa WWII Antisemitism history leading to offer to help potential Jew-Hatred victims in the near future. –WONDER & READ: https://bit.ly/40WurLq
#resisttyranny #stopantisemitism

SlantRight 2.0: A Look at Medical Tyranny & Antisemitism Tyranny

SlantRight 2.0: A Look at Medical Tyranny & Antisemitism Tyranny

John R. Houk, Blog Editor © November 24, 2023   I’m embarking on what I can term a time-conservation share due to Thanksgiving weekend...