The New York Times recently reported in a disturbing headline: "Environmental Groups Cut Programs as Funding Shifts to Climate Change." In other words, the Left's climate-change hysteria and its campaign to end fossil fuels is interfering with a common-sense green agenda. Worse than that, the climate agenda is in some ways making the condition of the environment worse. According to the Times story: "A significant shift in donor contributions to nonprofits fighting climate change in recent years has left some of the nation's biggest environmental organizations facing critical shortfalls in programs on toxic chemicals, radioactive contamination and wildlife protection."

Why green groups no longer help clean the environment

Why green groups no longer help clean the environment

The New York Times recently reported in a disturbing headline: "Environmental Groups Cut Programs as Funding Shifts to Climate Change." In other words, the Left's climate-change hysteria and its campaign to end fossil fuels is interfering with a common-sense green agenda. Worse than that, the climate agenda is in some ways making the condition of the environment worse. According to the Times story: "A significant shift in donor contributions to nonprofits fighting climate change in recent years has left some of the nation's biggest environmental organizations facing critical shortfalls in programs on toxic chemicals, radioactive contamination and wildlife protection."