Far-left Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), found himself at the center of controversy after a recent media encounter where he lied about Epstein flight logs. Fox reporter Hillary Vaughn questioned the leftist senator on his apparent lack of action concerning the subpoena of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. During an impromptu interview, FOX Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn asked, “Why won’t you subpoena Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs?” Sen. Durbin responded with uncertainty about the existence of such logs and the issue never being presented to him for consideration. Despite his claims, it is noted that his Senate colleague, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), had indeed been vocal about submitting a subpoena request for the logs in question that he blocked.

Sen. DICK Durbin Suffers Memory Loss After Claiming Epstein Flight Logs Inquiry Has “Never Been Raised by Anyone” Despite Requests from Senator Blackburn

Sen. DICK Durbin Suffers Memory Loss After Claiming Epstein Flight Logs Inquiry Has “Never Been Raised by Anyone” Despite Requests from Senator Blackburn

Despite his claims, it is noted that his Senate colleague, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), had indeed been vocal about submitting a subpoena request for the logs in question that he blocked.