One World Religion and the Death of Protestantism: Part 1
Prescott Bush, the patriarch of both Bush Presidents; was a Nazi. He was a part of the Skull and Bones Society which in turn was a branch of the Roman Catholic Jesuits. The Jesuits at the behest of the Black Pope and the papacy, financed Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich's war against Europe and the intent of the extermination of the Jews.

The Jesuits, or the "Society of Jesus," to use the official title, grew out of six student companions gathered by Ignatius of Loyola at the University of Paris in the 1530s. When their original project of going as missionaries to Palestine was blocked by war, they put themselves at the service of Pope Paul III. They became the enforcement arm of the Roman Catholic Church and their debauchery knows no bounds to this very day.

This was exposed centuries ago, but the the truth has been sequestered until now, as you will find out in the 2 videos to come.

This is all the proof anyone of conscience needs to understand that the Roman Catholic Church is NOT Christian, but a counterfeit inspired by the devil himself. In no uncertain terms, it is a pagan cult.

More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the channel.