Nikki Haley was criticized after she failed to list slavery as a cause of the American Civil War.

The former governor of South Carolina was accused of purposely omitting the subject when asked point blank by a voter to name the cause of the conflict between the Northern and Southern states in the 1860s. “I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run,” she responded. “The freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

Watch: Nikki Haley Criticized for Failing to Mention Slavery When Asked, ‘What Was The Cause Of The U.S. Civil War?’

Watch: Nikki Haley Criticized for Failing to Mention Slavery When Asked, ‘What Was The Cause Of The U.S. Civil War?’

Conservatives and Democrats alike seized on Republican presidential contender asserting she didn't know her history or was just plain dumb.