In this life there are many things we may want to do, places to go, or goals to achieve, and in popular culture we euphemistically refer to this as our 'Bucket List.' While having a list of want-to-do’s is good, there is one very important thing to add to that list in order for it to be truly complete.

In life, after all is said and done and experienced, then what is left? And the answer is the life AFTER this life. To be fair, some have different views on what that the after-life is (or is not!) but the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that “It is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE, but after this THE JUDGMENT.”

As harsh or narrow-minded as that may sound, today’s verse from Deuteronomy says that we can add one thing to our bucket list that will truly complete all we need to do in this life, and that is to choose the LIFE God offers all who will freely choose to receive it.

Jesus Christ said “I Am the Way, The Truth, and the LIFE” and when you choose Christ, you choose LIFE - starting now in this life, but also continuing into the LIFE TO COME.

Friend, it is more than ok to enjoy the blessings in this life, but please do not neglect to choose the blessings God is offering you to eternal life. If you have not done so, from your heart right now ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins and your final judgement will be for His free gift of Eternal Life.

God Bless Your Day - Jesus Loves You

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Article No. 0837

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