I'd be concerned about government-military "normalization" in civilian life too! Once again, this isn't China!! This is supposed to be Canada! Soldiers don't do this kind of civilian duty! What kind of event are they planning for, where this behaviour would be warranted?!

"“Soldiers will be going door-to-door and speaking with residents to simulate what would happen if they were asked to check on the well-being of residents during an actual emergency,” a notice reads.

"Now as the military prepares to go door to door to “check” on civilians, many are concerned about the lack of transparency with the government’s use of military resources for questionable purposes and how this not only infringes on privacy but also normalizes government intrusion into civilian life."

After the revelation that the Canadian military ran an “information campaign,” which resembled a psychological operation, aimed at “influencing the Canadian public during the COVID-19 pandemic,” and continued for months despite orders by the chief of defence staff to shut it down in the spring of 2020, this latest exercise has people alarmed."


Canadian military to conduct door-to-door wellness checks in small Ontario town - Rebel News

Canadian military to conduct door-to-door wellness checks in small Ontario town - Rebel News

Soldiers will be door-knocking in the small town of Goderich this coming weekend to simulate 'wellness checks' on the residents.