When a person begins calling out death to their enemies, they have lowered themselves to the same level as their enemies and risk becoming them or worse. It is one thing for our enemies to project their behaviour onto us, it is entirely another thing to fulfil that projection! We must never focus so wholeheartedly on our hatred for them that we become them. Jesus came to save the murderers, the liars, the adulterers, the cheaters, the swindlers, the abusers, and some of our greatest heroes in Scripture were one of these at one time. As God rescued and saved them, so He can for the worst sinners living today. Let us remember this and choose the high road of prayerful, shrewd decision and action-making. We do not accept what our enemies do or say in their unsaved state. We pray for their salvation and that God thwarts, confuses and confounds their efforts at destruction until they see the error of their ways and turn to Christ in repentance.
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