A group of Polish farmers initiated an occupation of the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament, on Thursday afternoon to press for a meeting with Prime Minister Donald Tusk concerning the EU’s Green Deal policies.

The protestors, carrying banners stating, “EU policies will destroy the land and the farmer,” voiced their discontent with the influx of agricultural products from Ukraine and broader EU regulations.

“We have come here today to protest against the Green Deal and the opening of borders to products flowing into the country from Ukraine. We want someone to finally take us, the farmers, seriously,” stated Mariusz Borowiak, a spokesperson for the farmers’ association.

Farmers Begin Occupation of Polish Parliament, Demand Meeting With PM Tusk

Farmers Begin Occupation of Polish Parliament, Demand Meeting With PM Tusk

In a protest over agricultural policies, a group of Polish farmers has occupied the parliament building, insisting on a personal dialogue with Prime Minister Donald Tusk regarding the EU's Green Deal.