What is the long term plan of Israel of balancing American approval, while maintaining Israeli security? Because it doesn’t appear that America under the Biden administration will allow Israel to defeat hamas, or hezbola, or use artillery and air superiority, to protect our troops. Are we going to pretend that iran is not taking notes on these rules of engagement?
That they aren’t thinking to themselves, it is very likely that they can keep Jews from living on the northern border, and probably the southern border, with a steady stream of missiles, and maybe even some incursions, at least until January 20th. How destitute will those communities be by then?
How unlimited are muslim Jew haters in the middle east, capable of joining the fight in Lebanon, willing to trade their lives for the life of a Jew? A Jew that has no major advantage, such as artillery and air domination? A Jew trying to reduce civilian casualties? Do you really think that Israel will be able to do the balancing act of maintaining the approval of the western left, defending Israels borders, while Iran tries to unbalance Israels act? In G-d I trust.
If two partners run a business, and one is a crook, and the other is trying to run it well, befriending such an organization, is impossible to maintain.