Quercetin is found in various foods, the most popular of which is the citrus family. It's also found in apples, asparagus, black tea, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, grapes, green tea, red lettuce, onions, parsley, plums, strawberries, tomatoes, and more.

For food charts, handouts, and information on dealing with the spike threat from a wholefood perspective, take my online workshop for just $20! I've also written blog articles on RNA inhibiting such as: https://naturalhealthgodsway.c....a/2022/08/10/buildin

I strongly recommend reading this article here: https://naturalhealthgodsway.c....a/2023/01/24/when-th

If you can't do a netti pot due to moisture collecting in your lungs, try out this recipe you can make at home: https://naturalhealthgodsway.c....a/2024/04/27/updated

We don't have to succomb to fear and by extension, government-media control over how we think and respond. Be proactive now.


Building Defenses Against Henipavirus and other RNA Viruses Such as Measles – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Building Defenses Against Henipavirus and other RNA Viruses Such as Measles – Biblical Natural Health Coaching