Stay up to date on what I share on my blog, Scripture quotes, news as it pertains to staying healthy, body, soul and spirit, etc.
Stay up to date on what I share on my blog, Scripture quotes, news as it pertains to staying healthy, body, soul and spirit, etc.
So when I'm not planning advanced foraging workshops or signing up for craft or wellness fairs, apparently I am baking! Ashley wanted to know what a lemon loaf might taste like if we used Douglas Fir instead of lemon. Continuing in the vein of rewilding common foods, I looked things over, and made a few adjustments. Not 100% wild, and not quite 100% western hemisphere, but we're close.
Here's my recipe for Curly Dock Fir Cupcakes
Yes, this is another recipe blog post, but not before I rant a bit first!
It turns out that dried Lamb's Quarters leaves don't burn very well or very fast.
The flavour of the untreated ash is initially salty, then bitter, then salty again as it sits on the tongue.
Secondly, there is a common understanding culinary ash was used to leaven bread before the days of baking soda, but often, such mentions are met with vague how-to's, if at all. Eventually, I ran across a comment where someone said the best way to get lift from culinary ash, was to add it to the dough at the same time as the acid. I was having incredible difficulty finding ANY actual recipes online that use culinary ash in baking! Restaurant chefs talked about it, foraging chefs talked about it, history nuts talked about it, people shared how grandparents would make it, but no one shared a single, solitary recipe!
Here is my recipe for Culinary Ash Biscuits. If you use another non-gluten flour with this recipe, I'll be curious how it worked out for you.
Click here for the full rant and recipe:
We are on a roll!!! If you haven't looked around my coaching website in awhile, take a moment to browse the top menu bar's offerings. Here's looking forward to the rest of 2025!
Read up on all the latest changes and upgrades here:
Curly Dock Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yes, I made chocolate chip cookies using curly dock seed flour! Of course there was more to it than that, when you learn to cook with wild provisions, there's always more to it.
This is a great recipe to have if you don't or can't have eggs in the house, don't or can't have milk in the house, and you still want a cookie! If you can't have gluten either due to glyphosate sensitivities (such as crohn's or colitis), you can try the alternative flour the original author recommends in addition to the curly dock. The author also suggests that if you want to reduce the fat (something no longer recommended due to the body's use of dietary fat to create the various hormones your body uses, nerve health, etc) you can replace a quarter cup of fat with apple sauce and reduce some of the water as well. I have made applesauce cake and cake muffins in the past, so I know this can work with regular flour, I haven't tried it with wild flour yet.
Click through for the recipe and the experiment that successfully led to it:
Approaching a new year always means assessing what worked over the past year, noting what didn't work, and seeing what can be improved upon.
As with many practices in the world of alternative medicine, my client intake form is several pages long and takes roughly 15 minutes to fill out in person with a pen. I have come to the realization, that as technically forward as most of us are these days, as much as we do business online far more than we ever did in the past, there are some tasks that are still considered "too much work", and it becomes a barrier to obtaining service.
Now when you visit my FREE Session page, you have the option to download, fill, print, sign, scan, and email back to me your Client Intake Packet, OR, you can click the e-signature link to fill it out right there in your browser and send it to me that way. If both sets of forms say they are over quota, just drop me a line requesting the e-signature link and fill it out in your browser directly from that link in your email. If you are reaching out to me over DM on a social platform, the link can be given to you that way as well.
More on this announcement here: