Stay up to date on what I share on my blog, Scripture quotes, news as it pertains to staying healthy, body, soul and spirit, etc.

When you make an update to a previously written article, then try to share that update and it becomes a small blog post in it's own right! There are two links in this article, one to the update and one to an article on my author blog about similar subject matter.

Be aware, and wherever you can, take action, for the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of you and your household!


Where You Live and Work Part Three:  A lengthy update notice to Part Two – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Where You Live and Work Part Three: A lengthy update notice to Part Two – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

February began with concerns around household income, everyone asking God to intervene in our finances, when a flee market in Rutland jumped off the screen at me.  Ashley said sure, we could try, so I contacted the guy. 

Initially, we were greeted with wary eyes from various vendors as we rolled in our trunks. 

Other vendors came by to purchase cups of tea.  A vendor we've been at other fairs with, saw me and got all excited we were there, saying we'd love it!  Another vendor said to keep coming and sales would increase and once the market moves outside, the sales would quadruple, at least in her experience.  It's quite safe to say that we were welcomed with open arms by the vendors at this fair and many were saying things like "we'll see you next week, right?  You'll be here next week?"  Even the organizer was saying stuff like this.  Ashley's decided that yes, we will return, so now I need to confirm that with the organizer.

In background news that could have curtailed us being there, our furnace quit in the middle of the night Saturday evening! 

Before this stuff happened, we'd gone to the barn on Friday, only to find out Bella had been SO concerned about coyotes going through the property, that she'd been put off her food AND her water!!!  Thankfully, by Sunday evening when we returned to do chores, she had been eating again.  We may have to do more perimeter walks, we'll see.

A new addition was added to our table at the flea market! 

Check out the full adventure and find out what the new addition was to our table, here: https://naturalhealthgodsway.c....a/2025/02/10/a-flea-

A Flea Market Out Front, Drama Out Back!  Welcome to February! – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

A Flea Market Out Front, Drama Out Back! Welcome to February! – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

The idea of potentially doing a workshop around herbs for you and your horse, got another boost this winter.

Research out there continues to confirm what many herbalists and history nuts have known for a long time. Rosemary is a big one in this list, as is chokecherry due to having all the functions for your eye that Saffron does, minus the saffronol.

Based on what we knew in my database and the old books, as well as how Ashley’s own eye had healed from it’s inflammatory condition a month earlier, Ashley set about making medication. No way were we going to sit around and do nothing just because mainstream veterinary was more prone NOT to do anything and just let the horse go blind.

Perhaps the most encouraging study in relation to Bella’s solution, is a study regarding rats, and how rosmarinic acid dealt with their cataracts.

Between giving her herbs in her cubes, in her eye ointment, and in her eye drops, her condition has been repaired in just 3 weeks!!

History continues to show us what modern scientific research is confirming. God gave us the plants and herbs for our food and medicine.


Ocular Herbal Healing for Human and Horse – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Ocular Herbal Healing for Human and Horse – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

What does "health" mean to you? Does it refer to the state of your body, or the state of your relationships, or your emotional state, or what's on the plate at dinner? In reality, it's all those things and more. One of the ways I offer to assist you in your health journey, is helping you understand the connection between how you handle life, and how your body responds to it. We like to talk about good stress and bad stress, but to the body, it's all just "stress".

Life has it's stresses for sure, and how we deal with them is incredibly important to our mental, emotional, social, relational, and physical health. Before I obtained my NHP, I was writing about stress and it's effects on the mind and body over on my author blog. This is one of those articles:

(actually considering copying this article to my coaching blog)

De-Stressing God’s Way (and what to watch out for) – Songdove Books Presents:

De-Stressing God’s Way (and what to watch out for) – Songdove Books Presents:

I've written recently about dangerous blood clots, ways to mitigate those blood clots, and one of their contributors, stress. I mentioned how focusing on God and spending time with Him is a major way to deal with high stress. It also is a great

What is your definition of "Biblical"?

In Biblical Natural Health Coaching, "Biblical" refers to basing and informing choices, principals, guidelines and methods on what God has written in His Word, the Bible. God created us, the plants and animals, the world we live on, and the universe we live in. He gives us examples, principals and guidelines in Scripture that we can use to inform how we handle maintaining or regaining our health naturally, in a way that honours Him.



Did you know God considers how you look after yourself to be an act of worship toward Him? Do you want to learn how to look after yourself in a God-honouring way? As your Biblical Natural Health Coach, I can help.