Stay up to date on what I share on my blog, Scripture quotes, news as it pertains to staying healthy, body, soul and spirit, etc.

As we begin the month of May, foraging is in high gear! Today is my currently designated processing day, which meant crushing and storing catnip and yarrow for the tea business, finish breaking off pine needles from their branches (the blue superstore bin is over-full!), fluff trays that are drying, create a small tub for Herb Sophia as I have more drying now, add to tubs for purple dead nettle and saskatoon flowers, snip up and store barley grass my daughter wants to make an oil from for her fly spray recipe, crush up desert parsley and put in the container by the stove (which is very full now as I was told to stop baking with it last year (sniff)). . . and that was all before I left the house, and after doing a garbage run beforehand too!

After all of that, I went over to the community gardens and found some healthy burdock leaves, a few broadleaf plantain that were healthy enough to pick, many aren't doing well over there. . . found more purple dead nettle, more catnip, and was told by one of the community garden members that I could help myself to one garden plot that has been overgrown with chickweed! I mean, this stuff is now over a foot tall and so matted up on itself it isn't funny! I brought home two full grocery bags, that after rinsing and fluffing, almost filled a blue bin before I filled a number of smaller tray/containers.

So this is what our courtyard looks like now. . . We have a stretch of sunny days this weekend, so hopefully most of this will dry before we get any further spring rains. Otherwise, it all has to stack back under the umbrella setup, as the 8 slots in the herb dryer are full, with mostly nettle or catnip, though there are trays of other things, such as dandelion and herb sophia in there too. I decided to hang the burdock leaves.


I'd been on the fence about homeopathy, hearing various claims about it, various iterations of how homeopathic medicines are created and dosed, and never felt comfortable with the concept.

"...And then once you realize these little magic sugar balls actually contain NO MATERIAL SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER... and work purely on energy you start to see the world in a whole new light - maybe there’s more magic in this world that we live in than what we’re being told about…"

Incidentally, a friend was warned against homeopathy by a contact who was a former witch. This former witch said to steer clear of homeopathy as it was withcraft.

I am no longer on the fence about homeopathy. It is not consistent with natural health, and can lead one into spiritual trouble. This short piece has been added to my Spiritual Warfare sidebar menu on my site.

Read more here, with links you can follow for your own research: https://naturalhealthgodsway.c....a/2024/04/28/spiritu

Spiritual Dangers of Homeopathic Medicine – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Spiritual Dangers of Homeopathic Medicine – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Major recuperation mode today after two foraging hikes Sunday and Monday, and a busy day with various digital things yesterday. Did manage to get some baking done today though. Here’s some pics from the two hikes we did this week.

On Sunday, we gathered some desert parsley, purslane, more arrowleaf balsamroot flowers, some 3-flowered aven leaf, and observed that wild strawberries are starting to return to a former patch! Stonecrop was observed to be growing as well, and we stopped by to say hi to an aging Juniper tree we’ve named “June”.

On Monday, we hiked a different trail where we harvested yet more arrowleaf balsamroot flowers, some saskatoon flowers, a bit of sweet clover, and noted that the sage is starting to grow, as is the tarragon. I had to get a photo of a local sign. St. John’s Wort grows all over the banks near this sign, yet it’s listed in the noxious weed category! The text in the column to the right actually says to remove the noxious weeds! Well then. . . DON’T MIND IF I DO! lol!!! We gathered a fair harvest from that area last year. They aren’t growing as of yet, but when they do, we’ll grab them again this year.

We actually have pineapple weed trying to grow again here at home. Not sure if you can see their furry green tufts in this photo or not, but they’re there! Yaaaaaaaaa


GOOD NEWS! Apparently Lulu has dropped their $40 setup fee they used to have! I don’t know when they dropped it, but not only is that gone, but I was able to publish my foraging notebook all in one sitting! Secondly, they ship to Canada!!! I ordered a proof copy in order to begin the process of global distribution, but otherwise, the notebook is available for sale here: The only down side is that wholesale isn’t any better than many of the custom logo-only promotional notebooks out there. Up side to that – for the same cost as only my logo on those promotional sites, THIS notebook contains essential handouts that I’d have given out anyway and had to print anyway! So it’s still a better deal!

Now to look into moving my other 26 books over to Lulu so that Canadians can buy them and get them shipped! That will take a bit of time to do.

My Foraging Notebook

My Foraging Notebook

This handy notebook is intended to accompany foraging workshops offered by Marilynn Dawson, NHP, but can be used alone as well. The opening pages give a quick introduction to the concept of foraging, uses, and benefits of the foraging lifestyle. Re


Did you know God considers how you look after yourself to be an act of worship toward Him? Do you want to learn how to look after yourself in a God-honouring way? As your Biblical Natural Health Coach, I can help.